Book Reviews & Comments: Six Stages Framework
What do you think of my new book? #sixstagesframework
Here is what Jane Lewes said:
Jane Lewes- Consultant | Coach | Mentor | Non-Executive Director Change Leader | Supporting Organisations and Projects with Strategic, Coaching, Mentoring and Governance
“Hello Shungu! I must tell you that I am currently in a supervision session with Suki Collins and we are having a chat about the Six Stage Framework. Your book is so rich and will support valuable conversations with our clients. It’s a stunning book – thank you again!”
Great to receive such positive feedback and to know the book will be useful out there!
Please let me know what you think of the book if you’ve got your copy.
More feedback on MY BOOK ! Thank you so much Suki Collins MBA, MCIPD (Chartered) and ILM Level 7
“Dr Shungu Hilda M’gadzah, Jane Lewes and I just spent some time exploring your book during my supervision session with Jane Lewes. It was a page-turner. I have been working in EDI for the last 17 years and we both thought your book was just awesome. Congratulations.”
Writing a book isn’t easy. I know that because I write for a living.
But Dr Shungu Hilda M’gadzah has done it with Understanding & Dealing With Everyday Racism’.
And the reviews speak for themselves. Here’s one from Sarah Lacey BA (Hons) PGCE MA by way of a taster:
“Dr M’gadzah tackles head-on the issues of modern-day racism. The book is set within today’s difficult, turbulent and often unsettling world. It inspires interest by referring to current concerns, such as the tragic death of George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the Harry and Meghan interview with Oprah Winfrey. By using popular cultural references, such as the book, The Colour Purple, Dr M’gadzah engages the reader wholeheartedly and promotes optimism and empathy at a time of great need.”
Go on, grab a copy. It’s available on Amazon.
Nick Crasner-Crasner Consulting Ltd
So very exciting! Congratulations Shungu! Such an interesting subject and you’re a very well qualified author!
One of my next initiatives is to team up with you more and support your amazing book!!!
One of Reed’s brilliant associate EPs has just published a book!
Further details in the below post & a link to purchase if you would be interested.
Congratulations Dr Shungu Hilda M’gadzah!
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