The Prejudice/Racism Spectrum
What if we viewed prejudice and racism as a spectrum? People would say, "we are all somewhere on the spectrum and we all have traits which show up as biases and prejudice".
If so where would you be on that spectrum?
Join us tomorrow at 2pm UK time and listen or join in the discussion
Whilst current definitions say only white people can be racist as racism is about power? What if we were to make a prejudice /racism spectrum where would you be (this exercise is for all racial and ethnic groups not just white people).
I hear some of you say, it depends, my rating may differ depending on which groups we are talking about. I may be a 3 in relation to one racial group compared to another.
Interested to hear your thoughts on this and your reflections on this!
#Racism #EveryDayCHPsychology #DiversityAndInclusion #Inclusion #Diversity #DiversityEquityAndInclusion #6stagesFramework #ShadesOfRacism #TalkToDrShungu @dr_shungu_m
#racialequity #racism #everydaychpsychology #sixstagesframework #DiversityEquityAndInclusion #Inclusion #Diversity #CheckMyBiases #equality
